Super saiyan
Monday, August 15, 2011
, Posted by Sritam at 8:55 PM
The Legend
The ability to become a Super Saiyan was once considered to be a myth, because it had not been performed for over a thousand years until Son Goku accomplished it when he was fighting Freeza on Planet Namek. Though it was a legend, it, along with the saiyans constantly growing power, made Freeza, who was considered to be the strongest being in the universe at the time, feared the saiyans enough to destroy Planet Vegeta in the hope that the Super Saiyan legend would never be fulfilled.The only certain condition to transcend initially to the Super Saiyan level is that a saiyan must be pure of heart, usually fiercely enraged, and of sufficient power. Any other conditions are unknown. As saiyans trained during the Z series, they discovered levels beyond Super Saiyan never seen before, completely unheard of. The appearance of a Super Saiyan is different in each form, more so in the fourth and final form.
In the main series, all male saiyans still alive after the Freeza Saga, with the exception of Radditz and Nappa (both of whom were are full-blooded Saiyans), manage to reach at least the first level during the course of the series.
Standard Form
The Saiyans are a race of warriors who were born on "Planet Vegeta". They have the appearance of a human with the exception of a tail. Full blooded Saiyans are born with a specific hairstyle that cannot be changed. Half-blooded Saiyans are able to change their hairstyle.Their demeanor is typically characterized with a desire to engage in battle.
They initially shared their homeplanet with a race known as the Tsufuru whom were more advanced technologically. Eventually the Saiyans dominated the planet and absorbed the technology of the Tsufuru into their culture. The character known as Freeza used the Saiyans as a weapon to dominate planets throughout the galaxy.All full blooded Saiyans are born with the tail previously mentioned, it is unclear whether half-blooded Saiyans are always born with a tail. Those that are born with a tail can transform into Oozaru form.
Oozaru is a giant monkey-like creature that Saiyans can transform into. It literally means "giant ape" or "large monkey". In order for the transformation to take place, the saiyan still needs to have a tail, as the glands responsible for initiating the transformation are located exclusively there. He also needs to absorb at least 17 million zeno units of Bruits ("Fruits") Rays (called "Blutz
Waves" in the English dub and Green-spectrum Radiation in the English manga) through his eyes, to initiate a transformation.Bruits waves are found only in sunlight reflected by a moon. If there is no moon, a planetary body will reflect the same amount of rays. The easiest way to achieve this is to gaze at the full moon. If any clouds covered the moon and/or a planetary body, it would block certain amounts of the radiation. Vegeta once made himself transform by firing a "fake moon" reflecting the requisite amount of Bruits Rays into the air, then staring at it.
If a natural source of Bruits waves (a full moon or planet) was destroyed or the tail is amputated, this would cause the saiyan to instantly transform back to their humanoid form. Additionally, during Dragon Ball GT, Bulma created the Bruits Ray Machine, which could induce the transformation on a Saiyan even if the Saiyan did not have a tail. An Oozaru's power level is equal to the Saiyan's power level prior to the transformation multiplied by ten. A Saiyan loses the ability to reason in this form, and will typically display berserk and destructive characteristics, even in the cases of protagonists. However, as Saiyans mature, they are taught how to reign in their instincts and retain normal congnitive functions as Oozaru. This explains why Son Goku and Son Gohan lose control in Oozaru form, as they never received this training and are at first unaware of this transformation. Saiyans in Oozaru form can also shoot an energy beam
from their mouth, in a manner akin to Godzilla's nuclear breath. An Oozaru's size remains mostly inconsistent throughout the Dragon Ball anime and manga. A generalization is that most average human/non-transformed saiyans can almost fit into the palm of an Oozaru's hand. Oozaru's are assumed to be around 50 feet tall.
Pre-Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan (aka Super Saiya-jin)
The Ascended Saiyan or Ultra Super Saiyan (USSJ) is a form reached when Super Saiyans train hard, they surpass their basic limits of their original Super Saiyan powers. This state appears as a Super Saiyan, but with longer, hair that spikes further on end, making it more defined. The muscle mass on a saiyan also increases, which, however, isn't enough to slow the Saiyan down like the next level, USSJ2, and the Saiyan is still able to move surprisingly fast. The aura changes from a gentle wave of thick yellow orange flame pushing off the corona of the aura to an uncontrolled torrent of fire fierce waves of flame rising high and dancing around. The behavioral changes from the original Super Saiyan level to this one are apparent, as this state is known for its increased aggression even from the original Super Saiyan state.
Full-Power Super Saiyan
Full Power Super Saiyan (超サイヤ人フルパワー, Sūpā Saiyajin Furu Pawā?) is not actually an advanced form of Super Saiyan, but rather a state of peace and physical perfection while at Super Saiyan. The state first appears in volume 33 when the character Goku had witnessed and experienced the substantial flaws of the advanced Super Saiyan grades. Goku concluded that complete mastery of the original Super Saiyan form was the best way to(There is also the arguement that the SSJ's facial features (ie, the eyes) are different than a regular super saiyan's face (a regular SSJ's facial feature's have a very stern look even if their actual emotion is different, whileas a FPSSJ's facial features are more similar to the base form.).
Goku and Gohan are the only confirmed individuals to have achieved this state of Super Saiyan.
Super Saiyan 2
This form was first achieved by Gohan while battling Cell. The power of the Super Saiyan 2 skyrockets far beyond the power of Super Saiyan, USSJ 1, USSJ 2, and even Full Power Super Saiyan. For instance, against Cell and Bojack, who can both easily dominate those in the Super Saiyan level including the USSJ1 and USSJ2 forms, were easily defeated by Son Gohan in Super
Saiyan 2. In addition, when Cell produced 7 Cell Jr.'s, each of the Z fighters were unable to fight evenly with every one of them (including Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks, who were all Super Saiyans--Full Power Super Saiyan in Goku's case though it should be noted that Goku was already extremely worn out from his fight with Cell), but Gohan took all of them out effortlessly on his own, and was unaffected by even their most powerful attacks as a Super Saiyan 2. It too can be triggered by powerful emotions (like it was in the case of Gohan) but is usually reached tough training (as it was by Goku during his training in Other World).
Super Saiyan 3
While Goku was dead, he could maintain this form for as long as he liked because he had an unlimited supply of energy, but once he came back to life his limited living body could not handle it for very long. The time is reduced even further when he is turned back into a child in GT were he can only hold the transformation for an even shorter period. Despite the major energy draining properties of this form, the incredible power and speed increase almost always
makes this form worth it. The Super Saiyan 3 has back-long hair, no eyebrows and an intense aura, sporting numerous lightning discharges, much like Super Saiyan 2. If a tail is present on a Saiyan, its fur becomes gold in color. Curiously, while Gotenks acted normally, Goku acted more stern and serious, even having a lower voice in this form.
Super Saiyan 4
In this form, the Saiyan's hair changes color (in Goku's case it turned black again, and Vegeta's original hair color has a tint of brown in it), the tail is present and the body and tail are covered in a shade of red fur. A Saiyan in this form also possesses a red shadow trim around the eyes and over the eyelids. The hair is lengthened. The Aura in this form loses the arcs of electricity, instead becoming pure fire with gleaming sparkles. The power and speed increase in this form is by far the greatest in the entire series. For example, while Super Saiyan 3 Goku was nearly unable to phase Bebi Vegeta, as soon as Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan 4, it became almost the opposite, with Bebi Vegeta being almost unable to hurt Goku at all.