Amazing Martial Arts Secret: Flexibility
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
, Posted by Sritam at 2:50 PM
Hey this is a rarest collection of martial arts which i am going to post.My first post is about flexibility which is very important in any kind of martial arts form.

Squat very low and push the hips down into the squat. Move from side to side and then drop to the ground on each side.Do 10-12 times.
Finish touching the head to the ground in the middle.
If you are having trouble touching your head to the ground it is not your legs or back that is the problem. It is your Hips. The next exercise will help loosen your hips.
One of the most important Martial Arts Fitness Secrets is FLEXIBILITY. If u are not flexible, you look and feel 10 years older than you should.
Flexibility allows you to participate in activities and do things like a 20 year
Back pain is often caused by
lack of flexibility. This lack of
flexibility often causes the
back to tighten up when
exercising, thus causing
muscle pulls and stiffness that
easily could be avoided with
a few simple stretches.
How often should you stretch.Everytime
until you feel loose,
and every time before you
begin a strenuous exercise.
Even if you only do your stretches for 3 to 5 minutes this is better than
pulling a muscle or tearing a muscle because you didn’t take the time to
loosen up.
Here are some simple flexibility exercises you can do every day to keep
the body fluid.
Trunk Rotation
hips and rotate the body in
large circles to the right and
Do about 10 turns clockwise,
and then 10 turn counter clockwise.
Pull the elbows up to shoulder height and twist hard to the left and right
Do 10 to 12 twists to each side

Swing the arms in large circles around the body. Forward and backwards
Do about 10 to 12 swings each direction
Neck circles and shoulder shrugs
Rotate the neck in small circles clockwise and counter-clockwise.Do about 10-12 timesShrug the shoulders in circles forward and backwards 10-12 times
Horse Stretch
Hold the ankles and try to get the knees down to the ground. You may bounce, and push down with the elbows.
Keep the legs straight and hold the knees.
Try to pull the head down till it touches the knees. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Do this 10 times.
Try to pull the head down till it touches the knees. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Do this 10 times.
V Stretch
Sit on the ground and spread the legs as wide as you can. Now lean to
the right and touch the
head to the knee, then the left.
Finish touching the head to the ground in the middle.
the right and touch the
head to the knee, then the left.
Finish touching the head to the ground in the middle.
Finish touching the head to the ground in the middle.
If you are having trouble touching your head to the ground it is not your legs or back that is the problem. It is your Hips. The next exercise will help loosen your hips.
Hip Stretch
Open your legs as wide as possible and try to force the knees and hips to the ground.
You can start with your hand stiff then as you loosen up drop to your elbows and finally touch the head and hips to the ground.
You can bounce
on this stretch. Hold the final position for 5 to
10 seconds.
To really stretch the hips you should push hard to do the American Splits. Spread the legs as wide as possible directly in front of the body. Try to touch the hips to the ground.
You can use your hands to help support your body weight, and you may lean forward to drop the hips down.
Sit on the legs and bend backwards as
Far as you can comfortably go. Use your hands for support. You do not have to go all the way back
Bar Stretching is great, but most people don’t have a bar in their home or gym. So you can use a truck, or car back, or even a table.
Put your leg on the truck
back, and lean over to touch the head to the knees. Do both side. Hold each stretch
5 seconds.
You can also lean
To the right and left to put more pressure on the stretching leg.
Keep the back straight and lift the knee as high as you can to the side. Pull up on the knee and stretch the back of the legs.
Now drop the
knee down and pull back on the leg. To stretch the front of the legs
Pull back as far
as you can and you may lean over into the table.
If you have a partner. You can hold on to their hand
for balance and place your foot on their shoulder. Stretch forward. Do both legs.
You can also lean down and drop your weight to put more stretch on your leg
Have the partner hold your arms by the elbows and lean backwards. He will gently pick you up and stretch your back. Go
Have your partner pull your arms straight
back across your body to stretch the
shoulders. Go slow and easy.
So this is all about the first post of amazing martial secrets.Many more are coming............hope all will like it and comment on it.....
on this stretch. Hold the final position for 5 to
10 seconds.
To really stretch the hips you should push hard to do the American Splits. Spread the legs as wide as possible directly in front of the body. Try to touch the hips to the ground.
You can use your hands to help support your body weight, and you may lean forward to drop the hips down.
Sit on the legs and bend backwards as
Far as you can comfortably go. Use your hands for support. You do not have to go all the way back
Bar Stretching is great, but most people don’t have a bar in their home or gym. So you can use a truck, or car back, or even a table.
Put your leg on the truck
back, and lean over to touch the head to the knees. Do both side. Hold each stretch
5 seconds.
You can also lean
To the right and left to put more pressure on the stretching leg.
Keep the back straight and lift the knee as high as you can to the side. Pull up on the knee and stretch the back of the legs.
Now drop the
knee down and pull back on the leg. To stretch the front of the legs
Pull back as far
as you can and you may lean over into the table.
If you have a partner. You can hold on to their hand
for balance and place your foot on their shoulder. Stretch forward. Do both legs.
You can also lean down and drop your weight to put more stretch on your leg
Have the partner hold your arms by the elbows and lean backwards. He will gently pick you up and stretch your back. Go
Have your partner pull your arms straight
back across your body to stretch the
shoulders. Go slow and easy.
So this is all about the first post of amazing martial secrets.Many more are coming............hope all will like it and comment on it.....