White House Twitter Account Rickrolls Bored User (And All Of Us, Subsequently)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
, Posted by Unknown at 8:54 PM
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling, gotta make you understand (the debt crisis)
The White House began their "office hours" today at 2 p.m. EST. They asked Twitter followers to submit questions about the debt debate using the hashtag #WHChat. As their last response, they took the opportunity to play the internet's oldest practical joke on a user (and catching the rest of us in the wake).
Financial discussion isn't always the most riveting of subjects, everybody knows that. Twitter user @wiggsd decided to use the #WHChat hashtag to tweet his frustration with the lack of entertainment coming from the correspondence briefing.
Here's what he wrote –
In response to that, The White House decided to give him something a little more lively. They tweeted the following, and yes, the link leads directly to Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up."
@wiggsd Sorry to hear that. Fiscal policy is important, but can be dry sometimes. Here's something more fun:http://t.co/ca31My7 #WHChat
User gaboer117 on YouTube writes on the comments for the Rickroll video -
"Thumbs up if the White house brought you here." That comment has already received 130 likes.
These are tough, tense times. It's nice to break it up with a little bit of humor. Apparently, someone in the White House is no stranger to that fact.