Join the Carnival, and Build Backlinks!
Monday, July 18, 2011
, Posted by Unknown at 8:09 PM
Getting backlinks can be difficult without the right tools, and if you have the right tools, you may also want another weapon in your arsenal. Chances are you have never heard of a 'blog carnival', but you may very well want to investigate them after you read this article.
The best way to describe a blog carnival is "a travelling post which is built around a common theme". For instance, let's say it is called the Carnival of the Backlink Builders. This post is going to be about backlink building. This post is built up of a short description and link to articles all over the internet about backlink building.
Here is an example:
The Carnival of The Backlink Builders
Sean Donahoe posted an excellent tip on backlink building over at his blog The Manic Marketer
Joe Bloggs doesn't like backlinks – here's why not : Why I Hate Backlinks
And so on and so forth. The entire post is built up of these short descriptions and then a backlink. A host will write a short summary and then post all these links & descriptions on their blog. Without going into the finer details of a carnival, you can basically get a free, quality, related backlink to your site that will also send related and relevant traffic from the carnival participants (other related blogs).
To explain the backlinks in 'results' terms, lets assume you are part of a carnival together with 10 other participants. Once the blog carnival is up, each of the participants begin linking to it. This drives traffic. The host of the blog carnival (who makes the original post) also ensures that traffic comes through to his site and publicizes the post as much as possible. Mathematically, you now have 12 people (including you) who are actively promoting this blog carnival post. This acts like a 'link wheel' effect. You will initially get a massive burst of traffic, and then a solid backlink on a related site for absolutely nothing, and residual traffic for the life of the host's site. There are high pagerank sites in blog carnivals, and there are also some well written & popular blogs that are high up on Technorati's lists. This method of backlinking is not to be overlooked – it requires no extra work, and is free. You cannot get better than that!