Is Fusion Power Finally For Real?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
, Posted by Unknown at 10:00 PM
For decades now, a rosy future fueled by cheap, unlimited energy has always been just a few years away. Now, fusion programs including scrappy startups and billion-dollar government labs have taken the first steps toward generating star power.
Technicians inspect the target chamber at the National Ignition Facility in Livermore, Calif.
John Keatley
From the other side of a wide glass window on the third story of the National Ignition Facility (NIF), the world's largest laser array looks an awful lot like the world's largest plumbing project. Row after row of 16-inch-diameter pipes are packed into a room like cigarettes in a box—only the box is the size of three football fields. A catwalk thick with miles of cable runs through the center. Large metal ducts snake overhead and along the walls. I have to take it on faith that the pipes, called beam tubes, don't contain water or gas, but 192 separate laser beams zipping back and forth. When the beams finally exit the room, their strength amplified more than a quadrillion times, they will converge on a pencil-eraser-size target in one short, powerful pulse. And in those 20-billionths of a second, I'm told, atoms of hydrogen will smash together with such force that they'll essentially create a star.
It sounds impressive—and certainly looks imposing—but society has been taking promises of fusion on faith for more than five decades. If fusion works as proponents claim, it could produce enough clean energy to power the world for hundreds and hundreds of years to come. One of the first hurdles is the tiniest component, the fuel: Hydrogen isotopes, such as deuterium and tritium, adamantly resist uniting, regardless of the amount of heat and steel and funding thrown into the effort.
But this past fall, physicists at NIF, based at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, made an important advance with their elaborate building and enormous laser: They fired 121 kilojoules of ultraviolet light into the $3.5 billion facility's target chamber, causing deuterium and tritium nuclei to fuse into helium atoms, releasing 300 trillion high-energy neutrons. Even though NIF and other labs have created fusion before, the achievement brings researchers a step closer to conquering the ultimate challenge: a fusion reaction that produces more energy than is required to start it.
Expensive megaprograms such as NIF aren't the only ventures making progress. At the other end of the funding spectrum, a number of innovative startups have also begun to yield promising results. After decades of frustratingly slow research, the emergence of real, practical fusion power may come down to a race between these entrepreneurial Davids and the government-run Goliaths.
Given the recent partial meltdown of reactors in Japan, finding public support for any form of nuclear energy might seem unlikely. Still, fusion has some important safety advantages over nuclear fission: To produce energy from fission, atoms such as uranium-235 are split into radioactive elements, some of which have extremely long half-lives. Nuclear fusion produces helium and neutrons, and no super-long-lived radioactive waste. Plus, fusion cannot cause runaway reactions because it requires a steady input of energy for the isotopes to fuse; any plant malfunction would cause near-immediate shutdown. Over the long term, fusion power might reduce pressure on fossil fuels such as oil and coal, while complementing clean but intermittent energy sources such as wind and solar.
To produce electricity, the heat generated during a fusion reaction could be harnessed to drive a steam turbine, just as in any power plant. The difference is that fusion doesn't rely on the trainloads of coal, shipments of uranium, oil and gas drilling rigs or elaborate pipelines that feed today's facilities. Deuterium is found in seawater. "See those two water jugs right there?" says Edward Moses, the director of NIF, pointing to a display in the facility's atrium. "Those would have the energy equivalent of a supertanker of oil."
At the National Ignition Facility (NIF), "inertial confinement fusion" begins with a very small, weak laser pulse. This pulse is split into 48 beams and sent to preamplifiers, which increase the energy to a few joules. The laser is split further into 192 beams and injected into beamlines that enter two massive bays. The beams then pass through two systems of glass amplifiers, which increase their power to 20,000 joules. After leaving the main laser building, the parallel beams are rearranged into a spherical configuration by mirrors in 10-story-tall "switchyards." A final optics assembly converts the lasers' wavelength from infrared to ultraviolet, and a lens focuses them on a precise target in the center of a chamber.
Target Chamber
NIF's target chamber contains the fuel for fusion: a dime-size gold cylinder, called a hohlraum, encasing a beryllium-coated capsule with deuterium and tritium atoms. When lasers strike the hohlraum, their energy is converted to X-rays that burn away the capsule, compressing the fuel and forcing it to implode.
A system of amplifiers (shown in the laser bay) provides 99.99 percent of NIF's power. Vertical arrays of flash lamps excite neodymium atoms embedded in slabs of phosphate glass. As lasers pulse through the glass, they pick up that energy.
At the modest headquarters of Helion Energy in Redmond, Wash., the off-Broadway equivalent of the colossal NIF production is beginning to play out. The company is tucked away at the back of a nondescript suburban office park in a space not much bigger than a dentist's office; if you weren't specifically looking for Helion, you'd never come across it. A reception desk near the entrance has been repurposed into a workbench strewn with electronic components. Colored cables dangle overhead in free-form clusters, and workstations are propped up with cinder blocks. At one point, the researchers talk about a 10-tesla coil they're working on to amp up the strength of their reactor's magnetic field. "We built that coil," scientist George Votroubek says. "Have you showed her yet?" "No," his colleague Chris Pihl replies casually, "it's on the front counter."
Helion is among a handful of fusion startups, such as Tri Alpha Energy in Foothill Ranch, Calif., and General Fusion in Vancouver, British Columbia, all striving for the same grand goal as their outsize government counterparts: remaking the global energy landscape by proving that fusion power is feasible. A few forward-looking venture-capital firms have provided funding to get them off the ground; Tri Alpha, for instance, has attracted more than $50 million from a variety of prominent firms, including Goldman Sachs and Vulcan Capital.
Helion's technology was developed for about $5 million by MSNW, a company owned by University of Washington research associate professor John Slough. To see a full-scale component of the reactor, which Slough calls a fusion engine, I meet him at an industrial building a few minutes' drive from Helion's headquarters and walk past a conference table to a room filled with giant metal parts.
Inside the 26-foot-long prototype, two plasmas—clouds of hot ionized gas containing hydrogen isotopes—hurtle toward each other. The clouds collide inside a burn chamber, merging into a single entity. An electromagnet surrounding the chamber squeezes the plasma tighter and tighter, creating the high temperature and pressure conditions needed for fusion—a milestone MSNW first passed in 2008. "The idea," says Slough, who has the white hair and slightly disheveled appearance of a modern-day Einstein, "is to have the energy that comes out of the plasma exceed the energy that goes into it for a brief period of time."
Management Information Services senior energy adviser Robert Hirsch, a former director at the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, argues that startup companies may have some surprising advantages. Forced by funding constraints to design systems that are as simple as possible, startups are likely to end up with clean, lean reactors instead of complex, monolithic ones, like NIF's, which have the potential to fail in dozens of different ways. "If you're going to build a successful fusion system, it's going to be inherently small," Hirsch says. With a scaled-back approach, "there is a good chance they could make something that works."
The team announces that they're about to show me exactly what Helion-style fusion looks like. "You might want hearing protection for this," the company's president, Philip Wallace, says, handing me a pair of industrial-strength earmuffs. His colleagues power up the device. After the countdown clock on someone's iPhone drains to zero, there's a burst that sounds like a bulb breaking and a flash of pink light so bright that I have to turn away for a second. Wallace turns to me triumphantly: "You just witnessed fusion."
It sounds impressive—and certainly looks imposing—but society has been taking promises of fusion on faith for more than five decades. If fusion works as proponents claim, it could produce enough clean energy to power the world for hundreds and hundreds of years to come. One of the first hurdles is the tiniest component, the fuel: Hydrogen isotopes, such as deuterium and tritium, adamantly resist uniting, regardless of the amount of heat and steel and funding thrown into the effort.
But this past fall, physicists at NIF, based at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, made an important advance with their elaborate building and enormous laser: They fired 121 kilojoules of ultraviolet light into the $3.5 billion facility's target chamber, causing deuterium and tritium nuclei to fuse into helium atoms, releasing 300 trillion high-energy neutrons. Even though NIF and other labs have created fusion before, the achievement brings researchers a step closer to conquering the ultimate challenge: a fusion reaction that produces more energy than is required to start it.
Expensive megaprograms such as NIF aren't the only ventures making progress. At the other end of the funding spectrum, a number of innovative startups have also begun to yield promising results. After decades of frustratingly slow research, the emergence of real, practical fusion power may come down to a race between these entrepreneurial Davids and the government-run Goliaths.
Given the recent partial meltdown of reactors in Japan, finding public support for any form of nuclear energy might seem unlikely. Still, fusion has some important safety advantages over nuclear fission: To produce energy from fission, atoms such as uranium-235 are split into radioactive elements, some of which have extremely long half-lives. Nuclear fusion produces helium and neutrons, and no super-long-lived radioactive waste. Plus, fusion cannot cause runaway reactions because it requires a steady input of energy for the isotopes to fuse; any plant malfunction would cause near-immediate shutdown. Over the long term, fusion power might reduce pressure on fossil fuels such as oil and coal, while complementing clean but intermittent energy sources such as wind and solar.
To produce electricity, the heat generated during a fusion reaction could be harnessed to drive a steam turbine, just as in any power plant. The difference is that fusion doesn't rely on the trainloads of coal, shipments of uranium, oil and gas drilling rigs or elaborate pipelines that feed today's facilities. Deuterium is found in seawater. "See those two water jugs right there?" says Edward Moses, the director of NIF, pointing to a display in the facility's atrium. "Those would have the energy equivalent of a supertanker of oil."
Fusion from the World's Biggest Laser
At the National Ignition Facility (NIF), "inertial confinement fusion" begins with a very small, weak laser pulse. This pulse is split into 48 beams and sent to preamplifiers, which increase the energy to a few joules. The laser is split further into 192 beams and injected into beamlines that enter two massive bays. The beams then pass through two systems of glass amplifiers, which increase their power to 20,000 joules. After leaving the main laser building, the parallel beams are rearranged into a spherical configuration by mirrors in 10-story-tall "switchyards." A final optics assembly converts the lasers' wavelength from infrared to ultraviolet, and a lens focuses them on a precise target in the center of a chamber.
NIF's target chamber contains the fuel for fusion: a dime-size gold cylinder, called a hohlraum, encasing a beryllium-coated capsule with deuterium and tritium atoms. When lasers strike the hohlraum, their energy is converted to X-rays that burn away the capsule, compressing the fuel and forcing it to implode.
A system of amplifiers (shown in the laser bay) provides 99.99 percent of NIF's power. Vertical arrays of flash lamps excite neodymium atoms embedded in slabs of phosphate glass. As lasers pulse through the glass, they pick up that energy.
At the modest headquarters of Helion Energy in Redmond, Wash., the off-Broadway equivalent of the colossal NIF production is beginning to play out. The company is tucked away at the back of a nondescript suburban office park in a space not much bigger than a dentist's office; if you weren't specifically looking for Helion, you'd never come across it. A reception desk near the entrance has been repurposed into a workbench strewn with electronic components. Colored cables dangle overhead in free-form clusters, and workstations are propped up with cinder blocks. At one point, the researchers talk about a 10-tesla coil they're working on to amp up the strength of their reactor's magnetic field. "We built that coil," scientist George Votroubek says. "Have you showed her yet?" "No," his colleague Chris Pihl replies casually, "it's on the front counter."
Helion is among a handful of fusion startups, such as Tri Alpha Energy in Foothill Ranch, Calif., and General Fusion in Vancouver, British Columbia, all striving for the same grand goal as their outsize government counterparts: remaking the global energy landscape by proving that fusion power is feasible. A few forward-looking venture-capital firms have provided funding to get them off the ground; Tri Alpha, for instance, has attracted more than $50 million from a variety of prominent firms, including Goldman Sachs and Vulcan Capital.
Helion's technology was developed for about $5 million by MSNW, a company owned by University of Washington research associate professor John Slough. To see a full-scale component of the reactor, which Slough calls a fusion engine, I meet him at an industrial building a few minutes' drive from Helion's headquarters and walk past a conference table to a room filled with giant metal parts.
Inside the 26-foot-long prototype, two plasmas—clouds of hot ionized gas containing hydrogen isotopes—hurtle toward each other. The clouds collide inside a burn chamber, merging into a single entity. An electromagnet surrounding the chamber squeezes the plasma tighter and tighter, creating the high temperature and pressure conditions needed for fusion—a milestone MSNW first passed in 2008. "The idea," says Slough, who has the white hair and slightly disheveled appearance of a modern-day Einstein, "is to have the energy that comes out of the plasma exceed the energy that goes into it for a brief period of time."
Management Information Services senior energy adviser Robert Hirsch, a former director at the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, argues that startup companies may have some surprising advantages. Forced by funding constraints to design systems that are as simple as possible, startups are likely to end up with clean, lean reactors instead of complex, monolithic ones, like NIF's, which have the potential to fail in dozens of different ways. "If you're going to build a successful fusion system, it's going to be inherently small," Hirsch says. With a scaled-back approach, "there is a good chance they could make something that works."
The team announces that they're about to show me exactly what Helion-style fusion looks like. "You might want hearing protection for this," the company's president, Philip Wallace, says, handing me a pair of industrial-strength earmuffs. His colleagues power up the device. After the countdown clock on someone's iPhone drains to zero, there's a burst that sounds like a bulb breaking and a flash of pink light so bright that I have to turn away for a second. Wallace turns to me triumphantly: "You just witnessed fusion."