Whenever we see a pair of twins on the street, we cannot help but stare because really, it must be fascinating to grow up with somebody who looks exactly like you. The following are the ten most exceptional out of the lot.
1. Albert and Ebenezer Fox

They were known for their poaching abilities during the 1800s. These identical twins came from a good family but for some reason, turned to crime related activities. They got each other out of trouble all the time and never went poaching together.
2. Alicia and Jasmin 
A German man and a Jamaican-English woman gave birth to a pair of twins in 2006. While Alicia’s skin is dark and her hair is black, Jasmin’s skin is fair and her hair is blonde. A Genetic expert explained that this happened because the mother’s genes which determine what the skin color of her babies will be, were mixed.
3. Richard and Damien Powles

These twins were considered to be telepathic after several experiments were carried out on them. One such experiment involved Richard plunging his hand into freezing cold water and while his respiration rate changed, so did Damien’s.
4. Tamara Rabi and Adriana Scott

Tamara Rabi and Adriana Scott were given up for adoption shortly after they were born. Both adoptive parents kept this secret from them but surprisingly, neither knew that the sisters were growing up only 20 miles away from each other. When they turned 20, mutual friends started figuring it out and made the two meet. Even though they did not grow up together, they had very similar traits and tastes.
5. June and Jennifer Gibbons

These two are also known as the Silent Twins. The twins were inseparable from the time they were born but spoke only to each other in a language that nobody else understood. They did not interact with other children and the situation got so bad, that they had to be separated. However, this only made the problem worse and the two got withdrawn and catatonic. After they got reunited, they came to a decision that one of them had to die. Jennifer took the plunge after which June started speaking and communicating with others.
6. Catalin and Valentin Tescu

While Catalin was born premature in December; Valentin was born in February, two months later. This happened because their mother had a rare condition because of which she had two uteruses.
7. Tuen and Koen Stuart

Wilma and Willem Stuart gave birth to this pair of twins but they were in-fact, half-brothers. This is because the hospital made a mistake during the IVF process and mixed an African American man’s sperm with Willem’s.
8. Abigail and Brittany Hensel

These conjoined twins were born in 1990 and are 18 years old today. They live happy and healthy lives and over the years, have learnt how to play various sports including volleyball and basketball. The two are remarkable and exceptional, to say the least and hope to get married in the near future.
9. Elyse Schein and Paula Bernstein

Their lives have been similar to those lead by Tamara Rabi and Adriana Scott but the only difference is that the two were part of a secret experiment carried out by two doctors which meant that they were deliberately separated after birth. The complete details of this controversial experiment have not been published yet.
10. Alex and Michael Bronstein
These two wrote a famous book called “Numerical Geometry of Non-Rigid Shapes” and invented 3D face recognition technology.